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Filtering by Tag: ice cream

No Turkey In This Year's Ice Cream

As usual, the tried and trusted Diana Henry continues to delight. Before her bumper bundle of crowd-feeders appeared recently in the printed and online Stella Magazine I thought I'd planned more or less all for this year's menus. As I got to the last of the recipes I'd determined to store most for future use but I really fancied some of that 'Turkish coffee ice cream' as soon as ever was possible. Its simplicity was over-powering. 

Just one problem. I have not had instant coffee in the house for six years or more. Coffee snob, eh? In my defence I do have a bottle of 'Camp' chicory and coffee essence for baking. Four teaspoons of that replaced the coffee powder ingredient. I discarded Diana's geography suggestion and took things away from the Turkish connection with a freshly pulled triple shot of hazelnut espresso (also kept for baking duties).  The cardamom seeds were steeped in that until cooled. Noting the information that this ice cream is likely to set a little hard, I added 20 grams of liquid glucose to compensate in a small way. 

The bowlful above shows the mix after being churned in the almost frozen bucket used by our ice cream maker. This had seen plenty of recent action with six custard-based mixes and a couple of sorbets already boxed and stored. The gel in the bucket seems to like three days of freezing to be efficient and the coffee mix responded slowly in an impatiently used one and a half day old frosty environment. 

The texture was still convincing but after freezing it does appear firm. I reckon it will be fine with that recommended fifteen (or more) minutes out of the freezer before serving. 

Having had several sneaky spoon licks, the taste which comes through is a fully-fledged bolt-on first prize candidate. If scooping proves tricky I can guarantee that letting it melt to be drunk as an indulgent iced coffee is worth considering. Although carving off a thin slice straight from the freezer and eating it between two thin biscuits would deliver the flavour delight immediately.

Make it. This one is not just for Christmas.

A Special Dessert

Apparently it's #NationalPopcornDay! What better excuse to rave about this: 

Sweetcorn cream, popcorn ice cream, caramel and popcorn craquant.

A truly wonderful dessert from a recipe by the more than truly wonderful David Everitt-Matthias

It's a while since I made this and, looking back, I really should have done a little better with that quenelle of ice cream and the consistency of the caramel sauce. No, let's face it... this tasted so lovely that appearance was secondary. 

You could make the entire terrific thing as I did or follow the 2 Star Michelin chef's sensible advice and begin with one or two tasty elements which appeal.

I'm pretty sure you can't download  the low-down for this one. So, you will need a link to the superb book which contains the recipe.

What's that? I didn't say which one to purchase? Ah, that would be pointless because you will need all of them immediately and will cook from them at very regular intervals while offering up fervent thanks for the existence of such bounty in our lifetime. I promise you that the recipe appears in one of these magnificent volumes!

Here are all the required elements I made before plating.

This is not a horribly demanding dish apart, perhaps, from taking your time and attention. The rewards are the usual ones of having something truly special made in your own kitchen. Your efforts can be shared with love or scoffed selfishly with spoon-licking delight in a quiet corner.

David Everitt-Matthias is one of the most generous people I know. That has become obvious after my very limited contacts with him. Take advantage of his generosity. His food is staggeringly fine but his ideas are largely achievable in a modest home kitchen. He would tell you so himself.

So will I. Go on.. get cooking!

All images and content are the property of Geoff Griffiths. Copyright Geoff Griffiths 2020 ©